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Councillor Neville Abbott

An open letter to residents of Lions Bay

November 28th, 2023


Dear neighbours:


During the previous term I never saw the need to do what I am doing now: write to the community as a single councillor. But I have heard from too many residents who are frustrated by the toxicity and alternate facts that now impact many aspects of life in Lions Bay to stay silent.


The Mayor’s recent door-knocking and leaflet-dropping including on Remembrance Day - has been a step too far for the many who have contacted me. The suggestion on the first page of his 8-page document that there was some deep-rooted systemic issue in the management of the municipality is completely unfounded and the “drain the swamp” mentality that followed did not occur with the support of Council.


The inappropriate appointment of friends, colleagues and supporters to staff positions and corporate roles that should have been appointed by council is a cause for serious concern and in breach of our bylaws and the Community Charter Act. A majority decision of Council should guide all decisions.


Many of us were very concerned that the Election Act was not being followed and that the by-election might be in jeopardy. Councillor Reuter and I and were labeled “obstructionist” and accused of trying to defeat democracy when we would not vote for a by-election date set by the Mayor. We did not vote in favour, because only a Chief Election Officer can set an election date, by law. Not the mayor.


I hoped we would be able to move beyond these problems with the help of the municipal advisor, but many persist. My personal frustration is that the business of council and the village is not getting done. For example, the 2022 audit and annual report, the latter due by June 30th, remains uncompleted in the last week of November due to incomplete Finance and Audit Committee minutes.


I distance myself from the Mayor’s “First Year Progress Report” and the numerous instances of non-political matters being politicized through his group’s Facebook group and website. Everything from the safety of residents to Bear Smart has been subverted. The divisive and in many cases bullying behaviour must end. The constant electioneering and politicking needs to stop so we can get some business done in the three years left in this council term.

I’d like to set the record straight on several recurring themes.


  1. The municipality’s bank confirmed in January this year that two signatures on a cheque or transfer have always been required. A purchasing policy governing who must authorize levels of spending has been in place for decades. These are not new important safeguards brought in this year.

  2. There is no “gag” order against the Mayor: The elected Council decided against any politicking in the Village update, this applies to all members of council. As outlined in the Website and Village Update Content Policy #1704, the VU is intended “to advance communication… in a positive and constructive manner… is not intended to be a forum for debate of Council policies or decisions that have been made, or issues of substance or process, which are best suited to discussion in an open Council meeting”. This policy is available on the village website ( and is supported by s. 116 (g) of the Community Charter which states that “mayors [are] to reflect the will of council.”

  3. The Mayor is part of council, not a separate entity. The Mayor is a member of council, the elected executive body of the municipality.

  4. Statements to the media by the Mayor that “The Mayor was not consulted when council closed parking to hikers because the Mayor was away on a summer break” are false. The Mayor attended the special council meeting via Zoom on August 22nd, 2023. He chaired the meeting and voted to close parking, which was passed unanimously.

  5. Standing committees are struck by the mayor but their terms of reference must be approved by council because, as per our Council Procedures Bylaw #476, committees “undertake review of matters as directed by council.” This was confirmed by the municipal advisors earlier this year. Select committees, struck by council, can be staffed with volunteers who have appropriate skills or an interest. This is less impactful on councillors’ time and a more efficient use of residents’ expertise, skills and time but means the Mayor does not have control over them, which he dislikes.

  6. The allegation that anyone was physically threatened during a council meeting is a misrepresentation of the facts.

  7. Volunteer members of the Bear Smart Committee compiled a Q&A document which was published online and inserted in mailboxes to address ongoing misinformation about bears and Bear Smart. This committee has worked tirelessly to protect both residents and bears. Personal attacks on these residents purely because of their association with me is distasteful.

My greatest concerns are:


  • Water infrastructure is our biggest challenge and the council must knuckle down and take the time to understand the issues. The Klatt Building Renovation, Beach Park Revitalization and LB Connector are behind schedule and, I believe, have budget concerns. All have required grant extensions. These unaddressed issues mean we are in danger of losing this funding and Council and staff need to focus on these instead of wasting time in council meetings on speeches and discussions about the Mayor’s personal agendas.

  • The 2022 audit is incomplete, which means the 2022 Annual Report is months late (deadline June 30th). These missing financial reports may impact our ability to apply for large grants.

  • This year’s budget was drafted late then rushed through council at the last minute – a critical review of staffing and expenses to identify efficiencies was not possible. This year’s budget is being rushed again. There are many questions that need answering.

  • The lack of knowledge and application of Roberts Rules of Order at the council table often results in in less than respectful meetings because the Mayor attempts to interrupt those who have the floor if he doesn’t like what they are saying and continues to reinterpret what has been said which often requires corrections for the record.

  • Our Emergency Planning is still behind. We have made great progress on the ESS front driven by a resident, with support of our Emergency Planning Coordinator, but council’s role and understanding of our obligations is still not getting any attention from the Mayor. Our Fire Chief has a very specific role: he is not the leader of our safety program nor is he responsible for addressing our parking challenges, as suggested by the Mayor.

In closing, I am not only concerned but appalled at the bullying and personal attacks by residents on other residents and volunteers. What happened to our community? It is clear that most residents know the truth on this score and I don’t need to elaborate other than to urge everyone to return to the neighbourliness we all deserve.


A return to normalcy starts with all council members collaborating with all who were elected, in the best interests of the village.


If you have any questions, concerns or issues, please email me at Please provide your phone number if needed, I am as always available and happy to speak to any resident.



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